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The Accomplishments and Personality of Presidency AssignmentThe Accomplishments and Personality of Presidency Assignment Accomplishments and Personality of Presidency - Assignment Example

Accomplishments from 1914 through 1918
In his reign, the Panama Canal legitimately opened. President Roosevelt ensured that the National Trade Commission instigated its tasks. He gave a state briefing on Lusitania sinking. President Roosevelt has chosen again for the Enlightened Presidential tag. As the president; he made sure that the U.S. National Park Service was made. Roosevelt offered to give aid in World War I effort by starting a Volunteer sector that was much criticized by Woodrow Wilson (Edmund, 2010).He removed his nomination in order to give back up to Hughes. President Woodrow Wilson gave out his 14 Point strategy for a long-lasting peace; a related plan for the formation of a worldwide political organization that was suggested by Teddy R when he was the President of the United States. Teddy R started the survey of Rio Duvida in the Amazons River later give the new name as Rio Roosevelt.
Personality of Teddy Roosevelt 
The persona of Theodore Roosevelt is enduring.

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